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Introducing a framework toward sustainability goals in a supply chain 4.0 ecosystem

This article received the Best Article Award in Sustainable Supply Chain in 2024 ex aequo with a study on “Cognitive digital twins for freight parking management in last mile delivery under smart cities paradigm”.

This prize is awarded jointly by France Supply Chain by Aslog’s Lab SupplyChain4Good and AIRL-SCM, the association of French-speaking researchers in logistics and SCM.

The business and research community are called upon to take concrete actions to achieve the Sustainable Development Goals (SDGs). We state that Industry 4.0 technologies are the innovative capability that should be supported to move supply chains from their linear model, known for its high energy and resource consumption, to a circular model where technology replaces intermediaries and drives operations towards sustainability and efficiency.

The study reflects the impact of integrating Industry 4.0 technologies on each of the processes in the Supply Chain Operations Reference Model (SCOR) to construct the supply chain 4.0 and links the resulting capabilities of this transformation to the potential achievements of the Sustainable Development Goals (SDGs).

This paper draws on recent studies and secondary data sources to provide a framework that could help academics and practitioners reduce tensions related to the maturity level of Industry 4.0 technologies and foster concrete implementations to achieve sustainability goals.

Par Saoussane Srhir, Anicia Jaegler et Jairo R. Montoya-Torres de Kedge Business School, France et School of Engineering de Universidad de La Sabana, Colombia.

Cognitive digital twins for freight parking management in last mile delivery under smart cities paradigm

This article received the Best Article Award in Sustainable Supply Chain in 2024 ex aequo with a study on “Introducing a framework toward sustainability goals in a supply chain 4.0 ecosystem”.

This prize is awarded jointly by France Supply Chain by Aslog’s Lab SupplyChain4Good and AIRL-SCM, the association of French-speaking researchers in logistics and SCM.

This paper examines the Freight Parking Management Problem (FPMP) of last-mile delivery within the context of Smart Cities where objects are managed by Digital Twins. Specifically, we investigate how Cognitive Digital Twins – Digital Twins with augmented semantic capabilities – can enhance instantly updated knowledge of parking connectivity to optimize logistics operations planning and urban resource allocation.

We present a four- layer architectural framework to integrate individual logistics objects and systems into Smart Cities at a semantic level, with underlying enabling technologies and standards including Property Graph, Web Ontology Language (OWL), and Web of Things.

Next, we conduct a case study of parcel delivery in Paris using a real-life Digital Twins platform called Thing in the future (Thing’in) by Orange France, coupled with an agent-based simulation model on AnyLogic, to demonstrate a real-world application of our approach.

The results suggest that semantics- enabled Digital Twins connectivity can increase the comprehensive understanding of the delivery environment and enhance cooperation between heterogeneous systems, ultimately resulting in improved logistics efficiency, reduced negative externalities, and better utilization of resources.

Furthermore, this work showcases potential new business services for logistics service providers and provides managerial insights for city planners and municipal policymakers. An actual mobile application prototype is presented to showcase the applicability of the work.

par Yu Liu, Shenle Pan Thierry Coupaye, Pauline Folz, Fano Ramparany et Sébastien Bolle de Mines Paris, PSL University, Centre for Management Science (CGS), i3 UMR CNRS, France et Orange Innovation, France.

Securing your intralogistics : your priorities in 2024

The 2024 barometer of intralogistics expectations and priorities for the logistics ecosystem and manufacturers.


… our commitment is to explore ways of securing the Supply Chain in the future.

The word means different things depending on your products, your business and your company’s development.

To make sure we were on the right track, we began by surveying our members, and more broadly the logistics industry (via industry newsletters), in order to analyze their testimonies through a prism we had developed.

Then we set out to illustrate what security could look like, and to position your expectations, in order to decide on our future roadmap.

Here are the priorities that emerge for 2024.

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Sécuriser son intralogistique : vos priorités en 2024

Le baromètre 2024 des attentes et priorités de l’écosystème logistique et des industriels en matière d’intralogistique.

To download the publication, click here.


… c’est notre parti pris, explorer la manière de sécuriser sa Supply Chain dans le futur.

Le mot signifie des choses différentes selon vos produits, votre métier, le développement de votre entreprise.

Pour être sûrs de viser juste, nous avons commencé par sonder nos membres, et plus largement les logisticiens (via les newsletters de la branche), afin d’analyser leurs témoignages au travers d’un prisme que nous avons développé.

Nous avons ensuite cherché à illustrer ce que pourrait être la sécurisation et à positionner vos attentes, pour décider de notre roadmap ultérieure.

Voici les priorités qui en ressortent pour 2024.

Télécharger la version française via le formulaire

Plaidoyer pour une Supply Chain circulaire

Un livre blanc qui révèle le rôle central des Supply Chains dans la réindustrialisation verte.

Les travaux et recommandations de cette publication reposent sur une étude que le cabinet de conseil en management Citwell et Soroa – conseil en stratégie écologique, ont menée avec le soutien de l’INEC auprès des entreprises et fédérations professionnelles dans une réflexion multi organisationnelle (chargeurs, transporteurs, recycleurs, gestionnaires de déchets, institutionnels) afin d’identifier les mutations nécessaires de la supply chain pour respecter les accords de Paris et l’objectif 12 des ODD, tout en faisant face à l’inéluctable raréfaction des ressources, sur un continent très dépendant des importations.

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