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Supply Chain circulaire : que retenir des premières expérimentations ?

Guide méthodologique de mise en place et pilotage

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Après une année de travail collaboratif, notre guide d’accompagnement a pour objectif d’aider chargeurs et logisticiens à mettre en place et piloter des Supply Chains circulaires.

Ce guide méthodologique prend appui sur les 6 ateliers menés par Citwell – cabinet de conseil en transformation des opérations et Supply Chain – avec les membres de France Supply Chain. Les résultats sont agrégés d’après les piliers suivants :

  1. Modèle et partage de la valeur
  2. Dimensionnement multi localité
  3. Prévisions et charges
  4. Pilotage de la circularité
  5. Gestion opérationnelle, amélioration continue & data
  6. Organisation

Afin d’assurer la richesse et la force des ateliers, les entreprises témoins ont été sélectionnées de manière à garantir une diversité de taille, d’organisation et de secteur d’activité.

Cette publication est le résultat de ce travail collectif, écrit à plusieurs mains, et n’est que le début de l’épopée.

Un immense merci à Epalia, Michelin, Orange, Lizee, Rev Mobilities, LRPI, Valused.

Ainsi qu’aux contributeurs Décathlon, Groupement Hospitalier de Territoire Grand Paris Nord Est, Manutan, Legrand, L’Oréal, OEMServices, Renault, Saint-Gobain, Soroa.

*Source : enquête GAIA 2023

Circular Supply Chain: Key Takeaways from Initial Experiments

Methodological Guide for Implementation and Management

Télécharger la version française ici

After a year of collaborative work, our guidance document is designed to help shippers and logistics professionals implement and manage circular supply chains.

“67% of companies plan to increase their investments in circularity over the next three years

… and members of France Supply Chain are no exception!”

Anaïs Leblanc, Executive Partner at Citwell and project leader

This methodological guide draws on six workshops conducted by Citwell —a consulting firm specializing in operations and supply chain transformation—with members of France Supply Chain. The findings are structured around the following pillars:

  1. Value model and sharing
  2. Multi-locality sizing
  3. Forecasting and workloads
  4. Circularity management
  5. Operational management, continuous improvement & data
  6. Organization

To ensure the richness and robustness of the workshops, participating companies were carefully selected to represent a diversity of sizes, structures, and sectors.

This publication is the result of this collective effort, written collaboratively, and is just the beginning of the journey.

A huge thank you to Epalia, Michelin, Orange, Lizee, Rev Mobilities, LRPI, and Valused.
And to the contributors from Decathlon, Groupement Hospitalier de Territoire Grand Paris Nord Est, Manutan, Legrand, L’Oréal, OEMServices, Renault, Saint-Gobain, and Soroa.

Source: GAIA 2023 survey


Télécharger la version française à ce lien

White Paper Volume I

This 1st white paper assists in identifying the relevant data and level of precision needed to calculate CO₂ equivalent emissions across the entire Supply Chain. It also highlights initial levers to activate for decarbonization.

This analysis is organized along several key axes:

  • the various stages of the Supply Chain;
  • the different emission scopes;
  • the level of digital maturity.

This publication is the result of the work carried out by the Digital Lab, enriched by contributions from its members, both operational and expert in the Supply Chain, as well as by carbon footprint assessment initiatives. A second volume will be published in 2025.

After presenting the group’s working methodology, explore the description of data categories and an analysis of the data required to calculate emissions across an end-to-end Supply Chain.

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Livre BLANC volume I

Ce 1er livre blanc aide à identifier les données et le niveau de précision pertinents afin de calculer ses émissions en équivalent CO² sur l’ensemble de la Supply Chain. Il recense également les premiers leviers à actionner pour décarboner.

Cette analyse est organisée selon plusieurs axes :

  • les différentes étapes de la Supply Chain ;
  • les différents scopes d’émissions ;
  • le niveau de maturité digitale.

Cette publication est le fruit des travaux du Lab Digital, elle a été nourrie par les apports de ses membres, aussi bien opérationnels qu’experts de la Supply Chain ainsi que des démarches de bilan carbone.

Après une présentation de la méthodologie de travail du groupe, découvrez la description des catégories de données et une analyse des données nécessaires au calcul des émissions sur une Supply Chain end to end.

Le rôle des labels responsables sur la transformation des pratiques achats

Le rôle des labels responsables sur la transformation des pratiques achats

La thèse professionnelle de Maureen Poullié se concentre sur la manière dont un label responsable peut transformer les pratiques achats d’une entreprise vers une approche plus durable.

À travers une étude de cas dans une entreprise aéronautique labellisée RFAR (Label Relations Fournisseurs et Achats Responsables) depuis 2022, elle démontre comment un label peut jouer un rôle de guide, de garant, de fédérateur et d’outil de différenciation. En s’appuyant sur des entretiens semi-directifs et une observation participante, l’étude met en lumière l’importance d’un engagement collaboratif et de méthodes de management adaptées pour réussir cette transition.

Pour ses recherches, Maureen Poullié a reçu le Prix Féminin de la Meilleure Thèse professionnelle en Supply Chain remis par la Communauté des Femmes en Supply Chain de France Supply Chain.

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Introducing a framework toward sustainability goals in a supply chain 4.0 ecosystem

This article received the Best Article Award in Sustainable Supply Chain in 2024 ex aequo with a study on “Cognitive digital twins for freight parking management in last mile delivery under smart cities paradigm”.

This prize is awarded jointly by France Supply Chain by Aslog’s Lab SupplyChain4Good and AIRL-SCM, the association of French-speaking researchers in logistics and SCM.

The business and research community are called upon to take concrete actions to achieve the Sustainable Development Goals (SDGs). We state that Industry 4.0 technologies are the innovative capability that should be supported to move supply chains from their linear model, known for its high energy and resource consumption, to a circular model where technology replaces intermediaries and drives operations towards sustainability and efficiency.

The study reflects the impact of integrating Industry 4.0 technologies on each of the processes in the Supply Chain Operations Reference Model (SCOR) to construct the supply chain 4.0 and links the resulting capabilities of this transformation to the potential achievements of the Sustainable Development Goals (SDGs).

This paper draws on recent studies and secondary data sources to provide a framework that could help academics and practitioners reduce tensions related to the maturity level of Industry 4.0 technologies and foster concrete implementations to achieve sustainability goals.

Par Saoussane Srhir, Anicia Jaegler et Jairo R. Montoya-Torres de Kedge Business School, France et School of Engineering de Universidad de La Sabana, Colombia.

Cognitive digital twins for freight parking management in last mile delivery under smart cities paradigm

This article received the Best Article Award in Sustainable Supply Chain in 2024 ex aequo with a study on “Introducing a framework toward sustainability goals in a supply chain 4.0 ecosystem”.

This prize is awarded jointly by France Supply Chain by Aslog’s Lab SupplyChain4Good and AIRL-SCM, the association of French-speaking researchers in logistics and SCM.

This paper examines the Freight Parking Management Problem (FPMP) of last-mile delivery within the context of Smart Cities where objects are managed by Digital Twins. Specifically, we investigate how Cognitive Digital Twins – Digital Twins with augmented semantic capabilities – can enhance instantly updated knowledge of parking connectivity to optimize logistics operations planning and urban resource allocation.

We present a four- layer architectural framework to integrate individual logistics objects and systems into Smart Cities at a semantic level, with underlying enabling technologies and standards including Property Graph, Web Ontology Language (OWL), and Web of Things.

Next, we conduct a case study of parcel delivery in Paris using a real-life Digital Twins platform called Thing in the future (Thing’in) by Orange France, coupled with an agent-based simulation model on AnyLogic, to demonstrate a real-world application of our approach.

The results suggest that semantics- enabled Digital Twins connectivity can increase the comprehensive understanding of the delivery environment and enhance cooperation between heterogeneous systems, ultimately resulting in improved logistics efficiency, reduced negative externalities, and better utilization of resources.

Furthermore, this work showcases potential new business services for logistics service providers and provides managerial insights for city planners and municipal policymakers. An actual mobile application prototype is presented to showcase the applicability of the work.

par Yu Liu, Shenle Pan Thierry Coupaye, Pauline Folz, Fano Ramparany et Sébastien Bolle de Mines Paris, PSL University, Centre for Management Science (CGS), i3 UMR CNRS, France et Orange Innovation, France.

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