France Supply Chain Association

The FRANCE SUPPLY CHAIN by Aslog association drives and supports the transformation of the value chains of the French companies and institutions that make it up. The community is committed to reinforcing the impact of the supply chain on corporate competitiveness, and making it a lever for a more sustainable world.
FRANCE SUPPLY CHAIN, formerly known asAslog, was founded in 1972 and is a founding member of the of the European Logistics Association (ELA). All the sectors at the heart of the national and international economy are represented. Its 5,000 members can draw on a powerful network of professionals and academics.
Since January 2025, the association has been supported by its endowment fund SUPPLY CHAIN 4 GOOD endowment fund to leverage its impact on people and the planet through public-interest projects.
The FRANCE SUPPLY CHAIN by Aslog association drives and supports the transformation of the value chains of the French companies and institutions that make it up. With a community of 4,900 members and a powerful network of professionals, we aim to strengthen the impact of the supply chain on corporate competitiveness, and make it a lever for a more sustainable world.
Our support communities
The strength ofFRANCE SUPPLY CHAIN by Aslog lies in its Fund, its Labs, communities and geographic chapters. Our members - passionate Supply Chain executives and managers, researchers and students - rely on collective intelligence to find solutions to increasingly complex challenges.

Our association is dedicated to federating, promoting and reflecting on the Supply Chain of tomorrow. The entire ecosystem needs to ask itself what is the role of the Supply Chain? Implementing our vision means rethinking and shaking up the environment, society and organizational chains.
Working in the supply chain
Supply chain professions can be found in all business sectors: industry, retail and services. They represent a component or the main function of the company. For many, they are cross-functional professions.
To guarantee a livable present and future for all, our Supply Chains must become sustainably frugal and positive, i.e. sober to produce just what is needed, optimize flows, reduce fossil fuels and be bearers of strong values based on collaboration, solidaritý and the meaning of our professions.